Day 48
Well, it would seem that I haven’t made nearly the number of updates here as I would have liked. Given that Moon River’s first product is a project management tool, you’d think that this would have been easier to keep up with. But alas, anyone who owns a house will know that you often do…
Read MoreDay thirty-something
Finding great software developers to work for you can be a full time job, and in many companies, it is. Hiring managers are constantly on the lookout for any great developer they can find because even if they can’t land him as an employee, that developer will most certainly have colleagues he can recommend. After…
Read MoreVolume II: Conserving what little cash you have
Every hero has a nemesis. Frodo had Gollum. Batman had The Joker, and Harry Potter had Voldemort. In nearly every case, the hero finds himself with his back to a wall, the end of the world is near, and people are going to die. Well, it may not be quite so dramatic when you’re a…
Read MoreIs protecting shareware against pirates worth the expense?
Software piracy is rampant. As the owner of a software company, it is in my best interest to protect our software from being pirated, used illegally, or used past the trial expiration date isn’t it? Every copy of software that someone pirates is money that we don’t receive. That is money that we could have…
Read MoreDay 19 – Update on the website
The web site still isn’t done yet. I’ve got a partial implementation at this point, but a large piece of the web site is missing, mainly because it depends heavily on my software being available and ready to integrate into the web site. This integration will involve allowing anyone to set up a trial account…
Read MoreVolume I: The Paperwork
Creating a new business is a lot of work. Oh sure, you can run to the Town Clerk, file some paperwork for a DBA and be out of there in less than an hour, spending maybe $35, but if you want to protect yourself, you need to do things right. That means a lot of…
Read MoreDay 12 – The website
So, I’m in the midst of creating the Moon River Software website. I’ve been writing web software for going on seven years now, and you would think that after all this time, I’d have a pretty good idea of how long it’s going to take to get things done. The fact is, that I do,…
Read MoreDay 11 – Starting a new business
There’s a billion things to do and just figuring out where to start is a monumental task unto itself. Actually, this is actually Day 11 and the idea for fully documenting this process only came to me yesterday. To give you a bit of background, I read a lot of things on the Internet (all…
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