The Gatekeeper
It’s fairly obvious that whenever you work on a development team, everyone fills different roles. This can sometimes make it difficult to evaluate the individual contributions of particular team members, especially when their roles overlap to a large degree. These roles vary from team to team, as do specific titles but most are essentially the…
Read MoreThe calm after the storm
It’s not really all that calm to be honest, but it’s certainly not the fire and brimstone of yesterday when nobody knew what to think, false rumors were getting started, and obscene emails were coming in. Perhaps one of my goals for the year should have been “Try not to get noticed until after version…
Read MoreJoel on Software readers up in arms – A view from the other side of the fence
Interesting… very interesting. So, after a long day (9 hours plus 30 minute lunch) of consulting, I come home to do my nightly routine. Check my email, check my traffic, do some programming till am, go to bed… whoa, wait a second… that’s odd. Traffic spike. Not just one site either. Where’s it from though?…
Read MoreThe end of Milestones v1.1 is in sight!
There’s only five issues left to deal with in order to get Milestones v1.1 functionally complete. After that comes final testing, and making sure that the installer works properly for both upgrades and new installations. Each of them appears to be no more than a few hours worth of work, but since we deal in…
Read MoreStrategy Letter #1: How to Grow Fast
Tom Hanks played a little boy in the movie ‘Big’ who simply wished to be big and woke up the next morning bigger than he had imagined. Of course, that was only a movie and no matter what the storybooks say, you can’t grow big overnight whether it’s you personally or your business… or can you?…
Read MoreDNS Suckiness
Well, I spent more than my fair share of hours over the past week or so trying to get a domain name transferred into my name from someone else. It was registered at, and I’m more than certain that their prices are rock bottom for a reason. It all seemed to be going far…
Read MoreGoogle AdWords update #2
The last time I looked at my AdWords campaign was last Thursday. I suppose I should probably keep better track of it while the impressions are flying fast and furious since I’m getting charged per click. To be honest, it’s all pretty confusing. I’ve noticed in my web site log files that some hits have…
Read MoreWrapping up a release isn’t easy
For nearly the past two weeks, I’ve been alternating between two pretty major tasks. The first is the next release of Moon River Milestones. It’s pretty amazing that in just a few short months, I designed and implemented a product that people are already using, and finding to be quite useful. On one hand, it…
Read MoreGoogle AdWords update
Well, so far the traffic from Google’s AdWords has been minimal, at best. Looking at their statistics shows two sets of numbers. The first is for the impressions that I’ve had via any number of syndicated sites. Those are the Google Ads that you see when you visit a website that generally isn’t making a…
Read MoreMilestones First Advertising Campaign
“If everything’s under control, you’re going too slow.” – Mario Andretti For someone like myself, it’s a somewhat terrifying experience to be out of control. Airplanes freak me out a bit, and only half the reason is because I know a lot about engineering. The other half is that I don’t feel like my destiny…
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