Software Startup Myths Debunked

When it comes to software startups, it seems there are a lot of common misconceptions floating around. I’ve sat idly by and watched as these misconceptions are repeated as fact time and time again. I’d like to take a few minutes to dispel the top five myths of software startups. Myth #1: I need to…

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Strategy Letter #1: How to Grow Fast

Tom Hanks played a little boy in the movie ‘Big’ who simply wished to be big and woke up the next morning bigger than he had imagined. Of course, that was only a movie and no matter what the storybooks say, you can’t grow big overnight whether it’s you personally or your business… or can you?…

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Post Piracy damage control

You’ve spent months, possibly years working on what you think will be your virtual cash cow. Your software will take four hundred doohickeys and turn them into over fifty thousand thingamabobs without wasting a cpu cycle. In under ten seconds and affordably priced at a mere $49.95, you’re ready to make a killing on the…

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You have exactly 3 customers

As unfortunate as this is, finishing the code for your software is really only half the battle when you’re launching products. There’s a ton of work that still needs to be done once your code is complete. For Milestones, I need to finalize the code obfuscation and do the installer work. As a .NET application,…

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Glamorous software doesn’t equal instant success

Let’s face it. Building games is cool. It’s one of those software disciplines that until recently, was something that you had to pick up on your own and with a little luck, land an entry level job with a game development company. In recent years, colleges and universities have begun to offer concentrations in game…

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Is protecting shareware against pirates worth the expense?

Software piracy is rampant. As the owner of a software company, it is in my best interest to protect our software from being pirated, used illegally, or used past the trial expiration date isn’t it? Every copy of software that someone pirates is money that we don’t receive. That is money that we could have…

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